Sex hot my! I need allot of work in my house plus my car is needing some help too! I am up very laid back and up for most things and eager for some new experiences.
I'm also good with my tongue but that's a whole nother topic.What's there to say? A plus if you are spiritual and like meditation, plus plus if u r into footfetish. Loves to talk. I am hung and horny and looking Casa Grande, AZ for women and having fun.
Lol So if your not into that feel free to exercise other options.(its a shame that I have to add this in here but I must stress if your not into heavy oral and if I have to break it down into laymans terms if you dont like it of you havent tried it!! If he is available until he wants to do fun things with me and teach me the pleasures of sex .
But whips and chains excite me.